I know it’s been awhile, but I can report a [sic] comic is on it’s way. I can’t say for sure if it’s going to be a trend, but i’m damn well going to try and make it one. I want to see this project to the end and both Rems and I will have to put on our big boys pants and just do it!

So this is just a notice to keep an eye out this week as the comic is coming!

Bu çerçevede geçmi?te ya?anan t?kan?kl?klar? a?amak amac?yla yeni bir yöntem üzerinde tart??ma yap?ld?. Ama devletin sosyal Kamagra sat?? niteli?i çoktan terkedilmi?, 1 eylül askeri darbesinden sonra yap?lan anayasa?da sa?l?k, devletin vermekle yükümlü oldu?u bir hizmet olmaktan ç?kar?lm??t?r

Please Stand By!